Become a Member
We encourage everyone who becomes a member to participate in
helping to carry out the organization mission.
As a member you will receive:
a window CDAA decal
a listing on the CDAA website
downtown networking opportunities
opportunities to participate in promotions
to serve on committees and board meetings
To become a member simply select a membership level below:
Lone Star Level Membership
Business Name, Address, phone/email and website
included on CDAA website
Window Sticker with new Downtown Conroe/CDAA logo
Subscription to quarterly E-Newsletter
Access to membership meetings and mixers
Opportunity to purchase a monthly Business Spotlight, which would include a short video
Isaac Conroe Level Membership
Lone Star, Strake, & Pegasus Levels, PLUS
Spotlight for your business on CDAA webpage,
including a short videoPresenting Sponsor for Freedom Fest, advertised on all marketing
Strake Level Membership
Lone Star Level, PLUS
Business Photo upgrade to listing on CDAA website
One Week Free Booth Space at Main Street Market
Mentions in social media platform (such as sharing your business events on CDAA pages)
Business website link on the CDAA website
Miracle City Level Membership
Lone Star, Strake, Pegasus, & Isaac Conroe Levels, PLUS
Presenting Sponsor for Christmas on Main Event, advertised on all marketing
Pegasus Level Membership
Lone Star & Strake Levels, PLUS
Logo included in advertising for at least 3 CDAA sponsored events (including banners, social media and any print advertising.
Economic Development
Formed to allow the CDAA to address
political and city issues
Formed to help create and organize all events in the Downtown Area and all socials for the CDAA.
Formed to head the quarterly newsletter, printed media, socials and the website.
Formed to help create ways to attract new members and help the association show the value of becoming a member.
Formed to help with the physical image of the Downtown Area.